gray computer monitor


Nous sommes là pour votre meilleure version


Visítanos para servicios de microblading y microshading. Estamos aquí para realzar tu belleza con técnicas personalizadas.


shoreline 8, Al Nabat, Palm Jumeirah Dubai


Lunes a Viernes 9am-19pm

Avis des clients

Découvrez ce que nos clients disent de nos services de microblading.

¡Je suis ravie du microblading ! Mes sourcils sont parfaits et naturels.

Laura Gómez
A woman with curly hair is receiving a hair touch-up from a person with tattooed arms and rings. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly a salon or dressing room, with a gray countertop visible in the background.
A woman with curly hair is receiving a hair touch-up from a person with tattooed arms and rings. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly a salon or dressing room, with a gray countertop visible in the background.


Le service de reconstruction de l'aréole en 3D a été extraordinaire. Je me sens fraîche et heureuse du résultat.

A person is having makeup applied to their eye, with a close-up focus on the hand holding an eyeliner pencil. Another hand is used to steady the face, and the environment suggests a backstage or preparation setting.
A person is having makeup applied to their eye, with a close-up focus on the hand holding an eyeliner pencil. Another hand is used to steady the face, and the environment suggests a backstage or preparation setting.
Carlos Ruiz

